Buyer Profile Please fill out the attached questionnaire so that we can get started on your custom search! Buyer Profile About the buyer (that's you): Describe what you are looking for (industry, specific verticals, price, number of employees, etc.) Target Company Size: Location: Limiting Variables: Contact Information Tell us about your ideal acquisition: Give us two sentences about what you are looking for in a business purchase (describe your ideal business to acquire): About the buyer (that's you): Without saying who you are, tell our sellers about your business and industry experience (more is better here) essentially giving them your resume without the exact dates and formatting. What skills do you have that are relevant to owning this company? Why are you a good fit? Why do you want to own this business? Also give a brief overview about you, your family, and your hobbies (this helps to build trust). Describe what you are looking for (industry, specific verticals, price, number of employees, etc.) This is much more specific than the original two sentence target statement. Write out your dream acquisition’s details in words, try to avoid numbers here, that comes later. Target Company Size: What is the target company size? Gross Revenue? EBITDA? Cash flow? Location: Where is the ideal location or area where the business will be located? (location/s, area, states, etc.) Limiting Variables: What are some limiting factors that would be good to know? Other than company size, industry, and location, what is pertinent for your dream acquisition? Get detailed and now is the time for numbers. Here are some examples: (Purchase price range, business has cash-flow characteristics that allow a growth rate of X, Current owner has held business for five years or more, No one customer should comprise > 30% of company sales, The product or service should not be a significant portion of the customers expenditures, This business should not exhibit significant seasonality, This business should not be a technology driven company, This business has sales growth in three out of the five last years with no two consecutive years showing declining sales.) Contact Information (Tell Us How To Reach You) Name Email Address Cell Phone SHOW SUMMARY Some required Fields are emptyPlease check the highlighted fields. Submit Previous Step Next Step CSS is here Office Locations: FollowFollowFollow ARTICLES | CONTACT US Corporate Headquarters SOUTH DAKOTA 5032 S. Bur Oak Place Suite 115 Sioux Falls, SD 57108 (605) 252-9520 TWIN CITIES 12800 Whitewater Dr. Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (612) 234-7396 DULUTH 2828 Piedmont Ave. Suite C Duluth, MN 55811 (218) 830-2525