(605) 252-9520 info@meritus.group

  • The Company
  • Time In Business
  • Industry
  • Gross Revenue
  • Business Net Income
  • Employee Structure
  • Contact Information

Tell Us About Your Business

How Soon Do You Want To Sell Your Business?

How Long Has The Business Been Operating?


What Is The Type of Business?


Gross Revenue In The Last 12 Months

Net Income

Business Net Profit In The Last 12 Months


How Many Employees Do You Have?

We Need Your Contact Information To Get In Touch

Once you have completed this questionnaire you will be directed to schedule a Seller Consultation with one of our Business Brokers. Or you can schedule directly HERE!

CSS is here

Office Locations:


12800 Whitewater Dr. Suite 100 

Minnetonka, MN 55343

(612) 234-7396


2828 Piedmont Ave.   Suite C

Duluth, MN 55811

(218) 830-2525